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LANGUAGE_NAME Macedonian LANGUAGE_FILE Macedonian LANGUAGE_ISO mk LANGUAGE_AUTHOR ¿ÎÂÍ҇̉‡ —‡‚Ëù (aleks@macedonia.eu.org) \r \n LANGUAGE_CHARSET ISO-8859-5 OK ƒÓ·Ó Cancel ŒÚ͇ÊË Exit »ÁÎÂÁ Close «‡Ú‚ÓË Cancel changes ŒÚ͇ÊË „Ë ÔÓÏÂÌËÚ Click to confirm ÎËÍÌË Á‡ ÔÓÚ‚‰‡ Click to get help! ÎËÍÌË Á‡ ÔÓÏÓ¯ Click to return to previous screen ÎËÍÌË Á‡ ‚‡ù‡ú ̇ ÔÂÚıÓ‰ÌËÓÚ ÂÍ‡Ì Click to go to next screen ÎËÍÌË Á‡ ̇‰ÂÌ ÂÍ‡Ì Hide password —ÓÍ˺ º‡ ÎÓÁËÌ͇ڇ Save project «‡˜Û‚‡º „Ó ÔÓÂÍÚÓÚ Close current project? «‡Ú‚ÓË „Ó ÔÓÂÍÚÓÚ? Delete this project? »Á·Ë¯Ë „Ó ÔÓÂÍÚÓÚ? Delete empty project %s? »Á·Ë¯Ë „Ó Ô‡ÁÌËÓÚ ÔÓÂÍÚ %s? 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Note that you have to type the complete path (URL + site path) www.test.com/test/someweb.html\r\nç º‡ ̇º‰Â Ò‡ÏÓ 'www.test.com/test/someweb.html ‰‡ÚÓÚÂ͇ڇ. «‡ÔÓÏÌÂÚ ‰Â͇ ÏÓ‡Ú ‰‡ „Ó Ì‡Ô˯ÂÚ ÍÓÏÔÎÂÚÌËÓÚ path (URL + Ò‡ºÚ path) All links will match —ËÚ ÎËÌÍÓ‚Ë Ò ‰ÓÁ‚ÓÎÂÌË Add exclusion filter ƒÓ‰‡‰Ë ÙËÎÚ Á‡ ËÒÍÎÛ˜Û‚‡ú Add inclusion filter ƒÓ‰‡‰Ë ÙËÎÚ Á‡ ‚ÍÎÛ˜Û‚‡ú Existing filters œÓÒÚÓ˜ÍË ÙËÎÚË Cancel changes ŒÚ͇ÊË „Ë ÔÓÏÂÌËÚ Save current preferences as default values «‡˜Û‚‡º „Ë Ò„‡¯ÌËÚ ÔÂÙÂÂÌˆË Í‡ÍÓ default ‚‰ÌÓÒÚË Click to confirm ÎËÍÌË Á‡ ÔÓÚ‚‰‡ No log files in %s! ÕÂχ log ‰‡ÚÓÚÂÍË ‚Ó %s! No 'index.html' file in %s! ÕÂχ 'index.html' ‰‡ÚÓÚÂÍË ‚Ó %s! Click to quit WinHTTrack Website Copier ÎËÍÌË Á‡ ËÁÎÂÁ Ó‰ WinHTTrack Website Copier View log files ¬Ë‰Ë „Ë log ‰‡ÚÓÚÂÍËÚ Browse HTML start page œÂÎËÒÚÛ‚‡º º‡ HTML start ÒÚ‡Ìˈ‡Ú‡ End of mirror ‡º ̇ ÍÓÔ˺‡Ú‡ Ó‰ Ò‡ºÚÓÚ (mirror) View log files ¬Ë‰Ë „Ë log ‰‡ÚÓÚÂÍËÚ Browse Mirrored Website œÂÎËÒÚ‡º º‡ ÍÓÔ˺‡Ú‡ ̇ ‚· Ò‡ºÚÓÚ New project... ÕÓ‚ ÔÓÂÍÚ... View error and warning reports ¬Ë‰Ë „Ë ËÁ‚¯ڇËÚ Á‡ „¯ÍË Ë Ô‰ÛÔ‰ۂ‡ú‡ View report ¬Ë‰Ë „Ó ËÁ‚¯ڇºÓÚ Close the log file window «‡Ú‚ÓË „Ó ÔÓÁÓˆÓÚ Ì‡ log ‰‡ÚÓÚÂ͇ڇ Info type: “ËÔ Ì‡ ËÌÙÓχˆËº‡Ú‡ Errors √¯ÍË Infos »ÌÙÓχˆËË Find Õ‡º‰Ë Find a word Õ‡º‰Ë „Ó Á·ÓÓÚ Info log file »ÌÙÓχˆËË Á‡ log ‰‡ÚÓÚÂ͇ڇ Warning/Errors log file Log ‰‡ÚÓÚÂ͇ Á‡ Ô‰ÛÔ‰ۂ‡ú‡ Ë „¯ÍË Unable to initialize the OLE system Õ ÏÓÊ ‰‡ Ò ËÌˈ˺‡ÎËÁˇ OLE ÒËÒÚÂÏÓÚ WinHTTrack could not find any interrupted download file cache in the specified folder! WinHTTrack Ì ÏÓÊ ‰‡ ̇º‰Â Ìˉ̇ ÔÂÍË̇ڇ download ke¯ ‰‡ÚÓÚÂ͇ ‚Ó ·‡‡ÌËÓÚ ÙÓΉ Could not connect to provider Õ ÏÓÊ ‰‡ Ò ÔÓ‚Á ÒÓ ÔÓ‚‡º‰ÂÓÚ receive ÔËχ request ÏÓη‡ connect ÔÓ‚ÁÛ‚‡ search ·‡‡º ready ÔÓ‰„ÓÚ‚ÂÌ error „¯͇ Receiving files.. œËχú ̇ ‰‡ÚÓÚÂÍË... Parsing HTML file.. ¿Ì‡ÎËÁˇú ̇ HTML ‰‡ÚÓÚÂ͇ڇ... Purging files.. œÂ˜ËÒÚÛ‚‡ú ̇ ‰‡ÚÓÚÂÍËÚÂ... Parsing HTML file (testing links).. ¿Ì‡ÎËÁˇú ̇ HTML ‰‡ÚÓÚÂÍËÚ (ÚÂÒÚˇú ̇ ÎËÌÍÓ‚ËÚÂ).. Pause - Toggle [Mirror]/[Pause download] to resume operation œ‡ÛÁ‡ - »Á·ÂÂÚ [Mirror]/[œ‡ÛÁˇú ̇ ÒËÏÌÛ‚‡úÂÚÓ] Á‡ ÔÓ‰ÓÎÊÛ‚‡ú ̇ ÓÔ‡ˆËº‡Ú‡ Finishing pending transfers - Select [Cancel] to stop now! scanning ÒÍÂÌˇ Waiting for scheduled time.. √Ó ˜ÂÍ‡Ï ‰‡‰ÂÌÓÚÓ ‚ÂÏÂ... Connecting to provider œÓ‚ÁÛ‚‡ú ÒÓ ÔÓ‚‡º‰ÂÓÚ [%d seconds] to go before start of operation ŒÒÚ‡ÌÛ‚‡‡Ú Û¯Ú [%d seconds] ‰Ó ÒÚ‡ÚÓÚ Ì‡ ÓÔ‡ˆËº‡Ú‡ Site mirroring in progress [%s, %d bytes] ¬Ó ÚÂÍ Â ÍÓÔˇú ̇ Ò‡ºÚÓÚ [%s, %d ·‡ºÚË] Site mirroring finished! ÓÔˇúÂÚÓ Ì‡ Ò‡ºÚÓÚ Â Á‡‚¯ÂÌÓ! A problem occured during the mirroring operation\n — ÔÓº‡‚Ë ÔÓ·ÎÂÏ ÔË ÍÓÔˇúÂÚÓ Ì‡ Ò‡ºÚÓÚ\n \nDuring:\n \n¬Ó ÚÂÍ:\n \nSee the log file if necessary.\n\nClick FINISH to quit WinHTTrack Website Copier.\n\nThanks for using WinHTTrack! \n¬Ë‰Ë º‡ log ‰‡ÚÓÚÂ͇ڇ ‰ÓÍÓÎÍÛ Â ÔÓÚ·ÌÓ.\n\n ÎËÍÌË ƒŒ¡–Œ Á‡ ËÁÎÂÁ Ó‰ WinHTTrack Website Copier.\n\n¡Î‡„Ó‰‡ËÏ Á‡ ÍÓËÒÚÂúÂÚÓ Ì‡ WinHTTrack! Mirroring operation complete.\nClick Exit to quit WinHTTrack.\nSee log file(s) if necessary to ensure that everything is OK.\n\nThanks for using WinHTTrack! ÓÔˇúÂÚÓ Ì‡ Ò‡ºÚÓÚ Á‡‚¯Ë.\n ÎËÍÌË »ÁÎÂÁ Á‡ ËÒÍÎÛ˜Û‚‡ú ̇ WinHTTrack.\n¬Ë‰Ë „Ë log ‰‡ÚÓÚÂÍËÚ Á‡ ‰‡ ÔÓ‚Â˯ ‰‡ÎË Ò  ‚ ‰.\n\n¡Î‡„Ó‰‡ËÏ Á‡ ÍÓËÒÚÂúÂÚÓ Ì‡ WinHTTrack! * * MIRROR ABORTED! * *\r\nThe current temporary cache is required for any update operation and only contains data downloaded during the present aborted session.\r\nThe former cache might contain more complete information; if you do not want to lose that information, you have to restore it and delete the current cache.\r\n[Note: This can easily be done here by erasing the hts-cache/new.* files]\r\n\r\nDo you think the former cache might contain more complete information, and do you want to restore it? ** Œœ»–¿å≈“Œ ≈ œ–≈ »Õ¿“Œ!**\r\n—„‡¯ÌËÓÚ temporary ͯ  ÔÓÚ·ÂÌ Á‡ ÒÂÍÓº‡ update ÓÔ‡ˆËº‡ Ë „Ë ÒÓ‰ÊË Ò‡ÏÓ ÔÓ‰‡ÚÓˆËÚ ÒËÏ̇ÚË ÔË Ò„‡¯Ì‡Ú‡ ÔÂÍË̇ڇ ÒÂÒ˺‡.\r\n¡Ë‚¯ËÓÚ Í¯ ÏÓÊ ‰‡ ÒÓ‰ÊË ÍÓÏÔÎÂÚÌË ËÌÙÓχˆËË; ‡ÍÓ Ì ͇҇Ú ‰‡ „Ë ÁË„Û·ËÚ ÚË ËÌÙÓχˆËË, ÏÓ‡Ú ‰‡ „Ë ÔÓ‚‡ÚËÚÂ Ë ‰‡ „Ó ËÁ·Ë¯ÂÚ Ò„‡¯ÌËÓÚ Í¯\r\n[—Ó‚ÂÚ: Œ‚‡ ÏÓÊ ÎÂÒÌÓ ‰‡ Ò ̇ԇ‚Ë Ó‚‰Â ÔÂÍÛ ·Ë¯Âú ̇ hts-cache/new.* ‰‡ÚÓÚÂÍËÚÂ]\r\n\r\nÃËÒÎËÚ ÎË ‰Â͇ ·Ë‚¯ËÓÚ Í¯ ÏÓÊ ‰‡ ÒÓ‰ÊË ÍÓÏÔÎÂÚÌË ËÌÙÓχˆËË, Ë ‰‡ÎË Ò‡Í‡Ú ‰‡ „Ë ÔÓ‚‡ÚËÚÂ? * * MIRROR ERROR! * *\r\nHTTrack has detected that the current mirror is empty. If it was an update, the previous mirror has been restored.\r\nReason: the first page(s) either could not be found, or a connection problem occured.\r\n=> Ensure that the website still exists, and/or check your proxy settings! <= **√–≈ÿ ¿ œ–» Œœ»–¿å≈“Œ**\r\nHTTrack ÓÚÍË ‰Â͇ Ò„‡¯ÌËÓÚ Í¯  ԇÁÂÌ. ¿ÍÓ ·ËÎ update, ÔÂÚıӉ̇ڇ ÍÓÔ˺‡  ÔÓ‚‡ÚÂ̇.\r\nœË˜Ë̇: Ô‚ËÚ ÒÚ‡ÌËˆË ËÎË Ì ÏÓÊ‡Ú ‰‡ ·Ë‰‡Ú ÔÓ̇º‰ÂÌË, ËÎË Ò ÒÎۘ˺ ÔÓ·ÎÂÏ ÒÓ ÍÓÌÂ͈˺‡Ú‡.\r\n=> ŒÒË„ÛÂÚ Ò ‰‡ÎË ‚· Ò‡ºÚÓÚ ÒÂÛ¯Ú ÔÓÒÚÓË, Ë/ËÎË ÔÓ‚ÂÂÚ „Ë ‚‡¯ËÚ proxy ÒÂÚËÌÁË!<= \n\nTip: Click [View log file] to see warning or error messages n\n—Ó‚ÂÚ: ÎËÍÌË [¬Ë‰Ë º‡ log ‰‡ÚÓÚÂ͇ڇ] Á‡ ‰‡ ‚ˉËÚ ÔÓ‡ÍË Á‡ „¯ÍË ËÎË Ô‰ÛÔ‰ۂ‡ú Error deleting a hts-cache/new.* file, please do it manually √¯͇ ·Ë ·Ë¯ÂúÂÚÓ Ì‡ hts-cache/new.* ‰‡ÚÓÚÂ͇ڇ, ‚ ÏÓÎËÏ ̇ԇ‚ÂÚ „Ó ÚÓ‡ ‡˜ÌÓ. Do you really want to quit WinHTTrack Website Copier? ƒ‡ÎË Ì‡‚ËÒÚË̇ ͇҇Ú ‰‡ „Ó ËÒÍÎÛ˜ËÚ WinHTTrack Website Copier? - Mirroring Mode -\n\nEnter address(es) in URL box - Õ‡˜ËÌË Á‡ ÍÓÔˇú ̇ Ò‡ºÚÓÚ -\n\n¬ÌÂÒÂÚ ‡‰ÂÒË ‚Ó URL ÔÓÎÂÚÓ - Interactive Wizard Mode (questions) -\n\nEnter address(es) in URL box - »ÌÚ‡ÍÚË‚ÂÌ wizard ̇˜ËÌ (Ô‡¯‡ú‡) -n\n¬ÌÂÒÂÚ ‡‰ÂÒË ‚Ó URL ÔÓÎÂÚÓ - File Download Mode -\n\nEnter file address(es) in URL box - Õ‡˜ËÌ Á‡ ÒËÏÌÛ‚‡ú ̇ ‰‡ÚÓÚÂÍË -n\n¬ÌÂÒÂÚ „Ë ‡‰ÂÒËÚ ̇ ‰‡ÚÓÚÂÍËÚ ‚Ó URL ÔÓÎÂÚÓ - Link Testing Mode -\n\nEnter Web address(es) with links to test in URL box - Õ‡˜ËÌ Á‡ ÚÂÒÚˇú ̇ ÎËÌÍÓÚ -n\n¬ÌÂÒÂÚ ¬Â· ‡‰ÂÒË ÒÓ ÎËÌÍÓ‚Ë Á‡ ÚÂÒÚˇú ‚Ó URL ÔÓÎÂÚÓ - Update Mode -\n\nVerify address(es) in URL box, check parameters if necessary then click on 'NEXT' button - Õ‡˜ËÌ Á‡ ̇‰„‡‰Û‚‡ú -n\nœÓÚ‚‰ÂÚ „Ë ‡‰ÂÒËÚ ‚Ó URL ÔÓÎÂÚÓ, ÔÓ‚ÂÂÚ „Ë Ô‡‡ÏÂÚËÚ ‰ÓÍÓÎÍÛ Â ÔÓÚ·ÌÓ, ÔÓÚÓ‡ ÍÎËÍÌÂÚ ̇ 'œŒÕ¿“¿Ã”' ÍÓÔ˜ÂÚÓ - Resume Mode (Interrupted Operation) -\n\nVerify address(es) in URL box, check parameters if necessary then click on 'NEXT' button - Õ‡˜ËÌ Á‡ ÔÓ‰ÓÎÊÛ‚‡ú (œÂÍË̇ڇ ÓÔ‡ˆËº‡) -n\nœÓÚ‚‰ÂÚ „Ë ‡‰ÂÒËÚ ‚Ó URL ÔÓÎÂÚÓ, ÔÓ‚ÂÂÚ „Ë Ô‡‡ÏÂÚËÚ ‰ÓÍÓÎÍÛ Â ÔÓÚ·ÌÓ, ÔÓÚÓ‡ ÍÎËÍÌÂÚ ̇ 'œŒÕ¿“¿Ã”' ÍÓÔ˜ÂÚÓ Log files Path Path Á‡ log ‰‡ÚÓÚÂÍËÚ Path Path - Links List Mode -\n\nUse URL box to enter address(es) of page(s) containing links to mirror - Õ‡˜ËÌ Á‡ ÎËÒÚ‡ú ̇ ÎËÌÍÓ‚ËÚ -n\n ÓËÒÚÂÚ „Ó URL ÔÓÎÂÚÓ Á‡ ‚ÌÂÒÛ‚‡ú ̇ ‡‰ÂÒË ËÎË ÒÚ‡ÌËˆË ÍÓË ÒÓ‰Ê‡Ú ÎËÌÍÓ‚Ë Á‡ ÍÓÔ˺‡Ú‡. 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Please set temporary browser proxy settings to the following values (Copy/Paste Proxy Address and Port).\nThen click on the Form SUBMIT button in your browser page, or click on the specific link you want to capture. ¬Â ÏÓÎËÏ ÔÓ‰ÂÒÂÚ „Ë temporary browser proxy ÒÂÚËÌÁËÚ ̇ ÒΉÌË‚Â ‚‰ÌÓÒÚË (Copy/Paste Proxy ‡‰ÂÒ‡Ú‡ Ë ÔÓÚ‡Ú‡).\nœÓÚÓ‡ ÍÎËÍÌÂÚ ̇ ÍÓÔ˜ÂÚÓ 'submit' ‚Ó ‚‡¯‡Ú‡ ÒÚ‡Ìˈ‡ ‚Ó Ô·‡Û‚‡˜ÓÚ, ËÎË Ô‡Í ÍÎËÍÌÂÚ ̇ ÎËÌÍÓÚ ÍÓº ͇҇Ú ‰‡ „Ó Ù‡ÚËÚÂ. This will send the desired link from your browser to WinHTTrack. Œ‚‡ ù „Ó ËÒÔ‡ÚË ÔÓÒ‡ÍÛ‚‡ÌËÓÚ ÎËÌÍ Ó‰ ‚‡¯ËÓÚ Ô·‡Û‚‡˜ ‰Ó WinHTTrack. ABORT Œ“ ¿Δ» Copy/Paste the temporary proxy parameters here Œ‚‰Â ̇ԇ‚ÂÚ Copy/Paste ̇ temporary Ô‡‡ÏÂÚËÚ Cancel ŒÚ͇ÊË Unable to find Help files! Õ ÏÓÊ ‰‡ Ò ̇º‰‡Ú Help ‰‡ÚÓÚÂÍËÚÂ! Unable to save parameters! Õ ÏÓÊ ‰‡ Ò ÒÌËÏ‡Ú Ô‡‡ÏÂÚËÚÂ! 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Just scan\nStore html files\nStore non html files\nStore all files (default)\nStore html files first —‡ÏÓ ÒÍÂÌˇº\n—ÏÂÒÚË „Ë HTML ‰‡ÚÓÚÂÍËÚÂ\n—ÏÂÒÚË „Ë ÌÂ-HTML ‰‡ÚÓÚÂÍËÚÂ\n—ÏÂÒÚË „Ë ÒËÚ ‰‡ÚÓÚÂÍË (default)ÊÌ—ÏÂÒÚË „Ë Ô‚ËÌ HTML ‰‡ÚÓÚÂÍËÚ Stay in the same directory\nCan go down (default)\nCan go up\nCan both go up & down ŒÒÚ‡ÌË ‚Ó ËÒÚËÓÚ ‰ËÂÍÚÓËÛÏ\nÃÓÊ ‰‡ Ó‰Ë Ì‡‰ÓÎÛ (default)\nÃÓÊ ‰‡ Ó‰Ë Ì‡„ÓÂ\nÃÓÊ ‰‡ Ó‰Ë Ë Ì‡„ÓÂ Ë Ì‡‰ÓÎÛ Stay on the same address (default)\nStay on the same domain\nStay on the same top level domain\nGo everywhere on the web ŒÒÚ‡ÌË Ì‡ ËÒÚ‡Ú‡ ‡‰ÂÒ‡ (default)\nŒÒÚ‡ÌË Ì‡ ËÒÚËÓÚ ‰ÓÏÂÌ\nŒÒÚ‡ÌË Ì‡ ËÒÚËÓÚ top level ‰ÓÏÂÌ\nŒ‰Ë ̇ÒÂ͇‰Â ÔÓ ‚· Never\nIf unknown (except /)\nIf unknown ÕËÍÓ„‡¯\nÌÂÔÓÁ̇ÚÓ (ÓÒ‚ÂÌ/)\nÌÂÔÓÁ̇ÚÓ no robots.txt rules\nrobots.txt except wizard\nfollow robots.txt rules ·ÂÁ robots.txt Ô‡‚Ë·ڇ\nrobots.txt ÓÒ‚ÂÌ wizard\nÒÎÂ‰Ë „Ë robots.txt Ô‡‚Ë·ڇ normal\nextended\ndebug ÌÓχÎÌÓ\nÔÓ¯ËÂÌÓ\ndebug Download web site(s)\nDownload web site(s) + questions\nGet individual files\nDownload all sites in pages (multiple mirror)\nTest links in pages (bookmark test)\n* Continue interrupted download\n* Update existing download —ËÏÌË ‚· Ò‡ºÚÓ‚Ë\n—ËÏÌË ‚· Ò‡ºÚÓ‚Ë + Ô‡¯‡ú‡\n«ÂÏË ÔÓÒ·ÌË ‰‡ÚÓÚÂÍË\n—ËÏÌË „Ë ÒËÚ ҇ºÚÓ‚Ë ‚Ó ÒÚ‡ÌËˆË (ÔÓ‚ÂùÂ͇Ú̇ ÍÓÔ˺‡)\n“ÂÒÚˇº „Ë ÎËÌÍÓ‚ËÚ ‚Ó ÒÚ‡ÌˈËÚ (bookmark ÚÂÒÚ)\n*œÓ‰ÓÎÊË „Ó ÔÂÍË̇ÚÓÚÓ ÒËÏÌÛ‚‡úÂ\n*Õ‡Ô‡‚Ë update na ÔÓÒÚÓ˜ÍÓÚÓ ÒËÏÌÛ‚‡úÂEnglish Relative URI / Absolute URL (default)\nAbsolute URL / Absolute URL\nAbsolute URI / Absolute URL\nOriginal URL / Original URL